Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Week 10! Last Day

So, this is the last week of instruction! Praise the Lord. After this week, if all TPAs and student teaching. Today in math, we created directions for a peer to create sidewalk art.  This is following the inspiration of the artist Sol Lewitt.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 8!

We are on week 8! Only two more weeks of lecture, then student teaching full time! Whoo hoo!  Now, I just have to get motivated to write my TPAs. Today in class, we had time to work with our groups and present our lesson to the class. We got some feedback, and I think we did a good job overall. I am excited to teach at Richman next week.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week 7

Today in math, we discussed the strategies we could use with the 100's chart.  We also went over patterns found in art, photos, and stars, all of which could be found easily online.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 6

Today in class, we built 3D models out of construction paper, took pictures of geometric shapes in real life, and created word problems from a nutrition label. These are all things that I could easily implement in my future class to make math more fun and interesting.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 5

Today in class, we went over writing our math lesson plan for sixth graders.   This is the second lesson we have written on Taskstream. It's nice to get the practice.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 4

Sandra, the aerospace education specialist that came into our classroom, was great.  She shared her portaportal with us, which has an abundance of resources that we can use in our classrooms.  She also had us create helicopters, a glider, and helped us become air traffic controller.  She used to be an elementary teacher, so she offered some great tips.  I loved class today!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 3

Today's class began with a great card game that encouraged mental math.  

This is how you play:

Have students choose 5 cards and a target card and lay them out in front of them, with the target card representing the solution.  They must solve the equation using operations mentally (no writing things out!)  This was fun and challenging.  A way you could switch it up is giving all of the students the same target number and once they solve the problem they can share their thinking process with the class.  So much fun. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 2

Today in 434, we opened class by discussing our personal math histories and activities we could do with our future students to get a better understanding of their struggles and successes in math.  One idea that came up was having one side of the room representing "agree" and the other "disagree."  I could then read statements such as, "I like math games," or "Multiplication is fun" and get a better idea of what my like/dislike in math. We also discussed NETS and Partnerships in 21st Century Skills and how we would implement these strategies in our classrooms.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of the Credential Program

Today we were given a lot of information to digest, but despite the overwhelming emotional roller coaster my classmates are on (...not me, of course -_-) overall, I am feeling enthusiastic and grateful for the incredible opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful program.  I have been so blessed by my professors thus far, and I have only met them once! The individuals in my Block seem delightful, motivated, and SO helpful.  They must be future teachers! ;]